15k+ AI faces generated!

The AI face for
faceless creators

Create more engaging content without showing your face
Earn more and grow faster without showing your face. Upload a photo, pick your pseudoface and apply it on your pictures and videos.
All plans include
Unlimited masks
HD videos at 25 fps
4k pictures
Starting at
+ free trial!
Why use a pseudoface
Creators that show face grow faster
Undetectable by both humans and AI
No more cropping or blurring
All plans include
Unlimited masks
HD videos at 25 fps
4k pictures
Starting at
per month
Why use a pseudoface
Creators that show face grow faster
Undetectable by both humans and AI
No more cropping, blurring or weird angles

See it in action!

Pseudofaces are 100% AI-generated, tailored to the shape and features of your face.
Don't worry, they are not real people!

Control how you look

The best part about using a pseudoface? You are free to choose the one you like!

Keep your privacy

The Internet is forever. Once your face is out there, there’s no going back. Unless of course, you are using a pseudoface.
Pseudoface is an AI mask that hides your identity from humans and bots alike. The natural evolution of the face blur.

Double your income

Creators that show their face earn more on average. Doing a face reveal almost always leads to bigger paychecks. This works because faces attract more subs and allow you to charge a premium for customs.

Grow your fan base

Faceless creators are at a disadvantage. It is much harder to form a relationship with your subscribers if they can't see your face.
Showing face increases engagement, subscribers and brand recognition.

Ethical AI Manifesto

Pseudoface was built to give a face to the vulnerable and the stigmatized.
We believe Artificial Intelligence can bring unprecedented freedom to individuals, but as makers of these tools we also understand the great potential for harm and do not shy away from our responsibility to prevent it. We not only discourage the misuse of our tool, but take active measures to ensure Pseudoface is only applied ethically.
Do not use our tool to harm others.
How it works

The easiest way to grow your fan base and income while being faceless

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.

Unlock access to Pseudoface

You can also test the app for free. Check how your pseudoface would look like!


Unlimited pseudofaces
Up to 10 photos
Up to 1 minute of video


Unlimited pseudofaces
Up to 100 photos
Up to 20 minutes of video


Unlimited pseudofaces
Up to a 1000 photos
Up to 60 minutes of video

Frequently asked questions

Is there a free trial available?
Yes, you can generate pseudofaces for free and try them out in a test video of your face.
Can I change my plan later?
Of course. Most people start with the Test plan and move into Grow when they have found the perfect pseudoface.
Do you offer refunds?
Sadly we can't offer refunds. Pseudoface uses very expensive computers to create realistic face filters. We can't offer refunds without taking a substantial loss.
How does it really work?
Pseudoface uses face detection algorithms to understand your face in photos and videos. It then generates artificial faces using AI and adapts them to your facial features so that they fit the shape, lighting and movements.
Can my real face be extracted from my pseudoface?
No. It is safer than an actual mask or face blurring. No one (human or bot) can simply "remove" the pseudoface because we literally replace the pixels in the image. And no one can deduce your real identity from it since there's not enough information on the image to do so. As a caveat, make sure to cover other identifiable features like tattoos or birth marks, these could be recognized by someone who knows you!
Is it legal to change my face?
Yes. Pseudofaces are AI generated. They are not real people, so you are not impersonating anyone.
Is it ethical to change my face?
Yes. It’s your face, your body, your rules. Using a pseudoface is no different from using a pseudonym.
Who owns my content?
You do. Any videos or photos that you process with Pseudoface are yours and only yours. We will never change this. If you want to make sure, go to the Settings page of the app and tap on "Delete all results".
What happens to my data?
Your data is stored in secured servers located in Europe and it's never linked to your actual identity. We use this anonymous data to improve our product, but we will never sell or share it. We literally sell anonymity, keeping your identity a secret is how we make money. This will never change.
Does it produce AI artifacts?
Sometimes. If lighting is poor, the face is not on focus or recorded in a weird angle the pseudoface might become unstable. Always make sure to check your videos for artifacts before making them public.
Avatar photo

Try Pseudoface for free

Protect your identity. Earn more. Grow faster.
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